Unlocking the Full Potential of Chat GPT: Your Ultimate Assistant for Content Creation, Part 1

You can make Chat GPT an assistant to help you create content. With the tips in this series of posts, you'll learn how simple it is to accomplish this feat. That's why I include this in Simple-Fixes!

DALL-E generated image showing Chat GPT as a transparent virtual assistant working with a human.
Chat GPT can be an efficient and capable assistant for creating content.

As a writer, I’ve always prided myself on creating 100% original content based on meticulous research. I rewrite everything except when I include verbatim content to present quotes or extracts from a reference document. So, when Chat GPT and other large language models (LLMs) built for generative output popped up, I dismissed them as a lazy way to create dismal content. Seeing AI-generated articles reinforced my feelings. As one of my writing apps would say, they were “dreadful.”

Fast forward to today, I regularly use Chat GPT and a handful of supporting tools to power up my content creation. I’ve found Chat GPT to be a competent and efficient assistant, handling the following chores for me:

· Topic research: General and Persona-Based

· Outline generation

· Persona-based research

· Target audience identification

· Identification of channels my target audience regularly uses

· Content review

· Persona-based content review

· Style guide assessment

· Adherence to assignment requirements provided via video

· Develop optimal prompts for everyday tasks

Note: I will refer to all LLMs as Chat GPT for simplicity. There are a couple of reasons for this shorthand. First, my experience is with Chat GPT and second, techniques I use with Chat will (or should) work with any other LLM.

Play Nice with Chat GPT

Before going any further, let’s talk about the tone of voice you should use when dealing with Chat GPT. I can feel eyebrows raising already. What difference does your tone of voice make when chatting with Chat GPT? Probably none, but the developers of Chat GPT and other LLMs urge users to be polite and friendly. And guess what? Chat GPT responds in a tone comparable to that used in the prompt. Get snarky in your prompt, and you’ll get a snarky reply. Be friendly and polite, share a pun, and Chat GPT will reciprocate. Since I prefer friendly interactions, I cannot tell you if the tone of voice impacts results, but why not use a pleasant tone in case you want to curry favor with AI when Skynet becomes sentient?

Topic Research: General and Persona-Based

This is the original reason I decided to test out Chat GPT. Well, that and my inner geek wanting to play with new software. Over the years, I had developed a technique for searching topics online. It went something like this: coming up with a search phrase, firing it off from my browser, and then digging through the results to find the perfect nuggets for my content creation. When I found something, I copied it into a Word document along with the URL for two purposes:

1. Provide attribution by linking to the source.

2. Finding my reference in the future if asked to “cite my source.”

It worked, but it was laborious and inconsistent. I worked with the developer of Blogely, who developed a remarkable all-in-one content creation tool. His research methodology took what I did manually and turned it into an easy and enjoyable task. He was also an early adopter of AI and has built in some fantastic capabilities. Check out his remarkable software.

General Research

Then, I tried Chat GPT for general, topic-based research and was quite pleased with the results, as they are similar to Blogely’s. The most significant difference between the two is that AI allows me to be much more focused and prescriptive in my searches. What do I mean by prescriptive? I can ask Chat GPT to follow specific parameters in its research process. That’s accomplished by writing a prompt that clearly defines what I want.

Here's one I ran asking for the best yeast to brew an English-style Extra Special Bitter (ESB) ale. Notice the way Chat GPT provides results. The USER is me, and the ASSISTANT is Chat GPT.


Please provide me with sources for dry yeast appropriate for brewing an ESB.


For brewing an Extra Special Bitter (ESB), selecting the right yeast is crucial to achieve the characteristic flavor profile of this style. Based on various sources, here are some dry yeast options that are suitable for brewing an ESB:

Lallemand LalBrew London English Style Ale Yeast: This yeast is known for producing moderate esters and lower attenuation due to its inability to metabolize maltotriose. It allows the flavors and aromas of malt and hops to shine through, making it suitable for styles like ESB, Pale Ale, Bitter, and Mild (MoreBeer).

Safale S-04: Another excellent choice for an ESB, Safale S-04 is known for its ability to create fruity esters that are desirable in classic English yeast strains (Homebrewing Adventures).

Danstar London ESB Yeast: This is also a recommended option for ESBs. It can be found on various brewing websites and is noted for its suitability for English-style ales (Adventures in Homebrewing).

Nottingham Ale Yeast by Danstar: While not specifically for ESBs, Nottingham Ale Yeast is mentioned by some brewers as a good choice for brewing the best bitters, which are closely related to ESBs (Brewer's Friend).

Each of these yeasts will contribute differently to the beer's flavor and aroma profile, so you might want to experiment to find which one suits your palate and brewing style best. Remember that factors like fermentation temperature and brewing process also play a significant role in the final product.

Prompt anatomy:

· Pleasant and friendly tone of voice.

· Specifies I wanted dry yeast information.

· Asks for yeast sources to have Chat GPT provide links.

By the way, the ESB turned out splendidly using the Danstar London ESB yeast.

Persona-based Research

During a prompt writing training course, I learned about persona-based research and was blown away by its concept and possibilities. The idea is devilishly simple: Ask Chat GPT to conduct research from the perspective of your target audience. You can take two approaches here.

You know your audience

If you know who you are trying to reach, use a prompt like the following:

Good morning, Chat. I hope all’s well. I’d like you to play the role of an office manager of a small to medium-sized company that has been tasked with finding outsourced IT support services. Let me know when you are ready.

Prompt anatomy:

· Pleasant and friendly tone of voice.

· Tell Chat GPT I will want it to role-play.

· Describe the role and what they want to accomplish.

· Ask Chat GPT to tell me when I am ready.

The last point is essential. If that piece of the prompt is missing, Chat GPT immediately begins to provide results. I want to provide more direction and go step-by-step.

You want to develop the persona or avatar of the ideal audience

The backstory for this prompt is an assignment I received to write compelling copy for CFOs. To prepare, I wanted to learn what makes them tick, what they value, who they are, and so forth. Here are my first two prompts with Chat GPT and the results.


Hi ChatGPT. I would like you to help me develop the avatar of a CFO with a mid to large-sized company.


Of course! Before we dive into developing the avatar of a CFO for a mid to large-sized company, could you please let me know which brand voice you'd like me to use for this conversation? Would you prefer the casual and humorous personal brand voice or the polished and authoritative professional brand voice? Either way, I'm here to help! 🎩💼


Please use professional


Certainly. In developing the avatar of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for a mid to large-sized company, we'll focus on key characteristics, responsibilities, and attributes that define this role. Here's a comprehensive overview:

Key Characteristics:

1. Educational Background: Typically holds a degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related fields. An MBA or professional certifications like CPA or CFA may also be common.

2. Experience: Extensive experience in financial management, often with a progression through various financial roles within the organization or industry.

3. Leadership Skills: Ability to lead and manage financial teams, set strategic financial goals, and communicate effectively with other executives and board members.

4. Ethical Standards: High integrity and adherence to regulatory compliance and corporate governance.

Primary Responsibilities:

1. Financial Strategy: Develops and implements financial strategies aligned with the company's goals, including budgeting, forecasting, and long-term planning.

2. Risk Management: Identifies and manages financial risks, ensuring the organization's financial stability.

3. Reporting and Analysis: Oversees financial reporting, ensuring accuracy and compliance with regulatory requirements. Analyzes financial data to support decision-making.

4. Capital Management: Manages the company's capital structure, including debt, equity, and other financing options.

5. Investor Relations: Communicates with shareholders and investors, providing transparent information about the company's financial performance.

6. Collaboration with Other Executives: Works closely with other C-level executives to align financial strategies with overall business objectives.

Personal Attributes:

1. Analytical Mindset: Strong analytical skills to interpret complex financial data and market trends.

2. Strategic Thinker: Ability to think strategically and make decisions that align with the company's long-term goals.

3. Effective Communicator: Excellent communication skills to convey financial information clearly to various stakeholders.

4. Adaptability: Flexibility to adapt to changing business environments and regulatory landscapes.

  1. Attention to Detail: Precision and thoroughness in financial analysis and reporting.


The avatar of a CFO in a mid to large-sized company embodies a blend of technical expertise, leadership qualities, strategic thinking, and ethical standards. This role is pivotal in steering the financial direction of the company, ensuring stability, growth, and adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.

Please let me know if you would like further details or specific examples related to any of these aspects.

Prompt anatomy:

· Pleasant and friendly tone of voice – note how Chat GPT responds.

· Chat GPT asks me which voice to use to prepare results, professional or humorous (more on this later).

· Chat GPT asks if I want to dig deeper into any results (more on this later).

This is a spectacular result, providing a detailed look at a CFO. Is it accurate? I'd say yes, having dealt with many CFOs in my career. However, if you do not have relevant experience or knowledge, make certain you check Chat GPT's work.

Part 1 Conclusion

This article is already getting long, so I am presenting it in parts. Say, that’s like publishing your novel in the paper the way authors like Charles Dickens did in the 1800s! With that in mind, I asked Chat GPT for help creating an outline of the Upcoming Parts. It’s only appropriate, right?


Good morning, Chat. I hope you are well this fine Tuesday morning. I am writing a series of articles for LinkedIn about using you to superpower my content creation. I'd like you to create a topical outline based on a bulleted list at the beginning of Part 1. Before we start, will it be helpful to see all of Part 1 so you can gauge my style and structure? Language:   English


Good morning! I'd be happy to help with your LinkedIn article series. Yes, it would be very helpful to see all of Part 1 to better understand your style and structure. Please go ahead and share it with me.

I pasted the entire content of Part 1, and here’s a list of upcoming Part titles:

Part 2: Deep Dive into Specific Tasks

Part 3: Advanced Techniques and Best Practices

Part 4: Maximizing Efficiency with Prompts

Part 5: Final Thoughts and Future Directions

Stay tuned for more Chat GPT goodness!

Disclaimer: The content of this article series, including all text and images, is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. For permissions, contact me at wccmn@outlook.com.