4 step safety seal removal technique
If you've ever struggled with the lift and peel type of seals, it might be because your technique is wrong. Here's the fix.

Okay, this one may seem frivolous, but it is a nice hack if you have ever had problems removing the ubiquitous safety seals on food products.
To me, the logical method was to lift the tab and pull to the right (left for lefthanded folks), at 90o to the line of the tab. It rarely worked and I frequently resorted to using my pocketknife to cut out the seal. Meeting the usual resistance, I suddenly recalled the principle of leverage. By pulling the tab in the direction it is oriented, I gain leverage and can remove the seal!
Here are the steps:

- Remove the top.
- Lift the tab.
- With the tab pointing away from you, pull it towards you.
- Enjoy!