WD-40 can do what?

The uses for WD-40 continue to amaze me, but did you know insect repellent is one of them? Read on, and you will!

This particular WD-40 package design reminds me of the Daleks from Dr. Who!
Daleks obviously influenced the design of this WD-40 product! Exterminate, exterminate!

WD-40 ranks high among my DIY resources. Heck, it's one of the two foundational components of any DIY toolkit. The original toolkit consisted of duct tape for fixing things that move and shouldn't and WD-40 for fixing things that should move and don't.

Just the other day, I received an email about using the spray as an insect repellent. Say what? I have used lemon juice to prevent ants from entering my domicile, but it never occurred to me to use WD-40 instead. So, unable to relocate the email (gremlins at it once again), I searched through the modern-day Library of Alexandria (AKA the internet) to learn more.

If Bob Villa says it works, that is good enough for me

None other than the "This Old House" luminary, Bob Villa, posted that WD-40 works very well as an insect repellent. Not only that, his article goes on to say many folks swear by the spray for eliminating the pain associated with insect stings and bites. I'll pass on that use for now.

The article covers another baker's dozen additional household uses, many of which I was unaware of. My favorite was spraying bird feeder poles to keep squirrels from shimming up to raid your bird seed. That's one I will be testing ASAP.

The corporate list of WD-40 uses

Take a quick look at the "official" WD-40 Uses page, and you'll find a plethora of additional uses for this venerable product other than water dispersal; 2000 and counting, in fact.

That's a wrap for this post

I've been remiss in writing a post every week of late, being engaged in other pursuits, so I decided to catch up with a couple of shorter ones. In keeping with that objective, I'm calling it a wrap for this post. Hope you found this additional use of WD-40 informative and ultimately beneficial in your own battle to keep insects and other critters outside where Mother Nature intended them to be.