fix your stuff Quick Fix for Sticking Toilet Float Toilet float valve sticking? Read this simple fix to solve the problem.
DIY Permanently delete emails from Gmail Trash in 4 steps If Gmail keeps returning deleted conversations to the Trash folder, you'll want to read this post for a Simple-Fixes solution.
corks Corks as caulk Filling wide gaps in sidewalks with commercial caulk can be messy as well as unsightly. Why not use corks instead? Yes, it works. Read how you can do it yourself.
WD-40 WD-40 can do what? The uses for WD-40 continue to amaze me, but did you know insect repellent is one of them? Read on, and you will!
conservation Simple Water-Saving Ideas The tips for saving water from the 1960s and 70s remain applicable today. Read on to learn how to save water and money.
energy efficiency Avoid the draft(s) this winter Winter's here! Whether you're jumping for joy or in tears, you can take some simple steps to reduce how much it costs to heat your living quarters this winter. Read on and learn more.
cyber security Simple fixes for safe surfing (of the cyber kind) For all its benefits, the internet and electronic communications are fraud with peril. Read about several simple fixes for safe surfing of the cyber security kind.